[March 30, 2022]
***********I have not posted anything on any of my social media pages about being pregnant, please do not announce my pregnancy on my pages. When I am ready to, I will post about it on my social media pages. Thank you for understanding and respecting my wishes.**************
After 9 years my dreams are finally coming true! At the age of 22 (I am now currently 31) I had a miscarriage and I had so many years with fertility issues. The second I gave up and stopped trying, this baby came out of nowhere. Due to my fertility issues and trying for YEARS, I didn’t realize I could have children and this was a really big surprise for me. I am due 8/3/22. I found out I was pregnant when I was 3 weeks and 4 days. (if you’re counting back or looking at a calendar, yes in fact - this is a birthday sex baby lmao my birthday is November 1st). Although my miracle, rainbow baby was NOT planned I am very much looking forward to becoming a mom. I am sooooo excited and cannot wait until August. My favorite ultrasound picture is at the bottom of this page.
From 5 weeks on through 18 weeks I’ve been through hell and back & as much as it has been VERY hard for me, I cannot thank my support system enough. My Mom& Dad, sisters Tam & Monika, Raheem, best friends Moni & Alex, and cousins Chanel, Sheka, Mo, and Elyse have been a godsend to me. & of course my baby daddy has been amazing, even living 5 hours away from me. I’ve had “morning sickness” all day everyday to the point I’ve felt like I was dying. I also had a hospital stay due to a subchorionic hematoma and that was a TERRIFYING ordeal. Acid reflux, heartburn, sleeping only 3/4 hours every night to also not being able to eat anything nor drink any water. Even with all of this, if this is what I have to go through to get my children I will happily do it every time.
If you saw my announcement card and said to yourself “about time” or “finally” cool, but please don’t say that to me. My lack of kids is not due to my lack of trying. If it were up to me this would be my 8th baby. Yes, I still want 10 children. If I’m able, I will be 40 and still having kids because idc what society says thats NOT too old to have kids. If possible I plan to pop out a kid every year for the next few years, at least 5 in a row lol so mind ya dam business & manners! Don’t start asking me when am I giving the baby a sibling, because God willing, a sibling will be coming 6 weeks after this one drop! If I am lucky enough to pop them out back to back, don’t ask when I plan to stop because for 10 years I’ve been telling y’all I want 10 kids & it’s never been a joke.
My card & announcement was just that. I wanted to inform my family & friends. Please don’t feel obligated to buy anything, that wasn’t the point of my card. For the past 7 years I’ve been sending out a Christmas card every year, with a yearly update on things, adding my sense of humor in there. This year (2021) being sick because of my pregnancy & not knowing if my baby would make it, I didn’t get to send it out like I had hoped to.
If you would like to buy the baby anything, you are more than welcome to do so. I have zero baby items. You can buy blankets, clothes, diapers (brand - Huggies is my preferred brand, but honestly I’m grateful for any brand), wipes, crib sheets, ANYTHING and I will be very grateful, nothing is too small. The only thing I have a preference with is, instead of toys I prefer books, but I’m not against toys either if that’s what you chose to buy. Again I will be very thankful for anything you choose to bless me and my child with. I also do have a registry you are more than welcome to purchase from. *The registry was created before I knew the sex of the baby & after finding out the sex, I didn’t add anything new to the list. So the registry won’t tell you what I’m having lol
The baby’s name is already picked out. After you open your brown envelope, and look at what’s in there, if you’d like to know the name you can ask me.
Have any advice to give? Or if you just want to congratulate me, you are welcome to txt, PRIVATE MESSAGE me on social media, or you can use the form below. While you can call as well, please be aware y’all know I don’t talk much lol. PRIVATE MESSAGE on social media if that’s how you choose to contact me. Please do not announce my pregnancy on my pages via leaving a public comment. When I am ready to, I will post about it on my social media pages. Thank you for understanding and respecting my wishes.
My FAVORITE ultrasound picture
My little miracle baby gave me a thumbs up during my 21 week anatomy scan.