So I didn’t get to send my Christmas card out this year. Y’all know I live for my yearly Christmas card update. Due to my current circumstances and having a hard time, I was unable to send out my card this year, but ya’ll gon get this card ta-day! lol Christmas in April. Let’s just all pretend this card made it to you in time to place it on the mantel for December’s festivities. I’ve had my plan to buy my house in Greensboro since 2019. In 2019 I just knew by 2020 I wasn’t going to resign my lease and I would be closing weeks prior to my last week in my apartment. Boy was I wrong. I moved in with my sister and just knew I’d be there like 2/3 weeks and then I’d close and be in my own home. Wrong again. Due to Covid it seemed like overnight the market changed and it was impossible for me to even book a house to look at. The second anything was placed on the market it was off of the market by the end of that day with multiple offers. What I thought would be a 3 week stay, turned into 8 months of driving an hour and thirty minutes to work (Raleigh to Greensboro). Just to get to and from work, I drove 3 hours a day, 15 hours a week for 8 long months. I put over 33,420 miles on my car in that 8 months. I said all of that to say, that in 2020 I had already picked out the card theme and how it would be set up. Then I did close on my house in 2021 and I was excited I’d finally be able to execute my card idea. Due to my current circumstances my card idea was scrapped and now you have this. The basis of my card was to be an interactive way to invite you to come visit here. That part of the card didn’t change. It’s located HERE.
March 12, 2021 I went under contract. I saw a house online (new build) & I panicked. It showed up for sale and I purchased it. Yes 100% ONLINE. I purchased it without seeing it, or knowing where the plot was in the neighborhood. I didn’t even give it more than 2 minutes of thought. It came on the market and I purchased it then called my realtor and sister and I freaked out. On April 29, 2021 I closed & became a first time homeowner. View floorplan here.
My realtor, Ashley, was AMAZING! I cannot thank her enough. I highly recommend her. My experience was nothing short of excellent service and she met all of my expectations. If you or anyone you know are in the market for The Triad area, please contact her via or
May 9th I made a surprise visit to see my mom for Mother’s Day. Prior to my visit I hadn’t seen her in 2 years.
June 11th Chanel, Courtney, and I went to Nashville, TN. We visited the Musician’s Hall Of Fame & to be honest I don’t remember much else lol but we had so much fun. I got to try “Nashville hot chicken” and that burned TF out of my mouth, the Mild chicken was honestly one of, if not the best chicken I’ve ever had, & you know I only eat chicken fingers no matter where I go so I know a good chicken finger lmfao
June 26th Daryle & I went hiking at Hanging Rock State Park. (no he’s not pictured here, we didn’t take pictures together)
*Hanging Rock State Park located in Danbury, NC. It is only 1 hour from my house & the hike was the steepest one we’ve done to date. It is very beautiful from the top, very scenic & open landscape views for miles. I highly recommend. ★★★★★
July 31st, I went to visit my cousin Sheka in GA. After promising her for over a year I’d come visit, I finally lived up to my promise.
September 12th, Daryle & I went to Atlanta. We visited the Atlanta Botanical Garden, Skyline Park, & also drove to hike Providence Canyon State Park.
Providence Canyon State Park, located in Lumpkin, GA. As far as hikes go, this one didn’t impress me that much, but the trails were still fun. The views were consistent with what you’d expect to see at a canyon hike lol dirt & rocks. ★★★☆☆
October 30th, we had our annual Pumpkin carving contest. Cam (the green power ranger above) took 1st place (#7), while I took 2nd place (#6).
November 25th, Matching Thanksgiving shirts for the whole family. (unknowingly I was 3 weeks pregnant here, however despite my shirt I didn’t drink anything, because I don’t even drink like that lol, I just thought It’d be funny on my shirt). For whatever reason they let me make the mac & cheese & that shit was TRASH LMAO. no one went up for seconds lol thats how you know it was trash.
December 25th, Christmas dinner & our annual ornament making contest. (yes, I did crop Tam out, she complained about how her hair looks so out she goes lol)