*once you click your appropriate button below, I couldn’t get the videos to open in a new tab. When you’re done with the video, just click the “back” button on your computer or mobile browser to get back to the floorplan and then click to see the next video.*

Click on the link below if you are viewing this page from a computer.


(note once you go to the page with the pdf, click on the “view” buttons to view the video for that room)

Click on the link below if you are viewing this page from a mobile device.


(note once you go to the page with the pdf, click on the “view” buttons to view the video for that room)

side note: yes, my craft room really looks like that. Until I get my shelves put in, thats how it’ll continue to look lol. If you visit then most likely thats how that room will look & it is what it is. lol